
Friday, July 23, 2010


My best friend's mom tried to kill herself. I want to be there for him, because he is really close to her, but I don't know what to do or how to be there for him in this kind of situation.

Dear Friend,

That's a tough situation. He has to be going through lots of emotions right now. He's going to have to process his emotions, even with his mother. This might require professional counseling and unless you have the training you can't do that. What you can do is listen when he talks, never judge how he feels or even assume he'll feel a certain way about things. His feelings will change as he processes how he feels. So, even if you think it's ridiculous what he's saying, just listen and accept. Also, just be there as a friend if he doesn't want to talk about it.

Remind him often that he is loved, needed and has value. The attempted suicide could have left him feeling inadequate to be loved and lived for, so it could help him to know that isn't true. However, he might not feel that way at all. You just have to sit and be willing to listen to anything he says even if it's crazy or scary.

Keep an eye on him too. Depression, which leads to suicide, often runs in families and trauma like this can be a catalyst for depression.

Just be there with love!

Your Coach